Born Leaders

None of us is smarter than all of us

We run CEO and senior executive peer groups, that is diverse groups (with a sector/gender/ethnic mix) of 12-15 leaders meeting once a month in a safe, confidential environment specifically to help each other with their current, strategic challenges.

We do this by harnessing the collective insight, experience and common sense of the people around the table to help you with your current strategic challenge – because what is often blindingly obvious to the people around the table at a strategic level about you, your organisation and your current challenge is not necessarily blindingly obvious to you.

Our 3 distinct peer group offers are designed for the following profiles:

CHALLENGING LEADERS – for CEOs of larger organisations, say **£25m-£100m plus public & 3rd sector equivalents,

ADVANCING LEADERS – for CEOs of midsized organisations, say **£4/5m-£20m, and senior directors of larger ones – plus public & 3rd sector equivalents,

BORN LEADERS – for CEOs of smaller organisations, say **£1m-£3/4m, senior directors of midsized ones and ‘aspiring directors’ of larger ones – plus public & 3rd sector equivalents,

**We are more interested in people from “green & growing” organisations that don’t fit these profiles than ones from “ripe and rotting” organisations that do.